Mike, Megan and Luke!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Year Anniversary!

Yesterday was Mike and my one year anniversary! Mike took me out to Ruth's Chris for dinner. It was so good. We were talking over dinner about how much has happened in one year. His grandparents passed away, we have two new nieces, Ayla and Olivia, Mike started a new job, I'm pregnant, TJ is married, all the little one's in our life- Isabella, Jack, Ryan, Drew, Payton are so much bigger...and on and on! Time really is flying! And whoever said the first year of marriage is the hardest was so wrong, for us it was definitely the best! After dinner we went shopping over at Nordstrom, I really wanted a watch. Well, I found my dream watch, after a lot of thinking we decided wer were going to buy it, then realized the price that we thought it was was just the price of the band! Oh well, we are saving for a house right? Then we came home and opened our cards to each other (my favorite part of the evening!) then we watched our wedding video and had a piece of our wedding cake. Everyone said the cake would taste like cardboard, but it was actually still pretty good! Although we both only had a little bite. It was kind of sad throwing the rest in the trash but it was definitely taking up too much room in our freezer. I'm looking forward to next year where we can actually open our bottle of Dom Perignon (before I got pregnant we had planned to open it on our one year) and drink it! Here are a couple pics from our romantic evening out!

Here is the pic the waitress took of us at Ruth's Chris. We had a nice private table.

Here is the top of our wedding cake. It held up well over the year!

My sweet husband posing with our cake.