Mike, Megan and Luke!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


So, I am still learning how to blog. I am testing to see if I can post videos. I just noticed the little icon when I was uploading pictures before. I used to think that my videos had to stay on my camera in order to view them. I am testing with a video of us from Yankee Stadium. Check out our seats!...(but try to ignore me talking)

New Jersey!

Mike and I at Yankee stadium, below is my man, Derek Jeter!

My husband will find a track anywhere! Here we are at
Monmouth Racetrack in NJ

Legends- on the porch

Dinner in Little Italy

View of NYC from the top of the Empire State Building.

Dad and I on top of the Empire State Building

Mike Dad and I

I know... lots of pictures! But we went everywhere in NJ this year. We figured it was the last time we could freely travel without a little one! The trip was filled with lots of good homecooked Italian food, lots of visiting with family and lots of little day trips. It was so much fun! Highlights were: visiting the old Yankee Stadium for the last time, our trip to the shore, our trip to NYC, our trip to the Racetrack, sitting on the porch visiting with our family...and of course grandma's cooking.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


I had a very strange dream. I gave birth to triplets...3 boys! They put me out during labor so Mike had to name them. He named them Grant, Justin and January. January!!! When I asked him why, he said that was the month they were born in...very creative. I hope he does a better job with our real child than that. I am having dreams about babies almost every night. Maybe its because I am almost done with my first trimester and it's all becoming very real!

Bachelorette Party- Actual!

We got back last week, but I have been a bit lazy in putting up the pictures. Mostly because it is so hard to find appropriate pictures to put up! It was a crazy weekend, but sooo much fun. TJ was such a good sport about the silly and ridiculous things she had to do. For instance, wearing a veil pretty much all weekend, at times she really didn’t want to like in the picture above.
But it got her lots of free drinks and hey, she’ll never be able to do it again!
We hung out at the house the first night and just had "girl time", until two unexpected strangers came over to join us!

We snuck into casino pools during the day

We went to a fabulous dinner right on the lake.

We got a VIP table at the Mont Bleu with bottle service, this was the night TJ accompished almost everything on her scavenger hunt!
What a great friend! This girl came home with me early every night because it's hard to stay out past midnight with only O'Douls and Cranberry Club Sodas in your system! She's the best!

All in all, it was a great group of girls and we had so much fun celebrating T's last weekend as a bachelorette. Cant wait till next summer, for yet another bachelorette party!!!

Best Picture Ever

I had to post because I love it so much.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bachelorette Party!

We are leaving for TJ's bachelorette party today! We are going to South Lake Tahoe until Sunday. I know I cannot partake in any alcholic beverages this weekend because of the little one, but I am so looking forward to this vacation! We will be doing lots of BBQing, laying out by the lake, dancing at Club Vex, and dining at nice restaraunts. The first tiny little pic on the top it the restaraunt we are going to on Saturday night, the Riva. It has a huge deck right on the lake and the menus look DElicious! The rest of the pics of our cabin. It holds 12 people and looks so nice, it is right on the lake too! I'll post pics of us girls when we get back!

Our baby!!!

We finally had our first doctor's appointment yesterday. It's amazing how long they wait to see you. It was such a good experience. We LOVE our doctor and it was so awesome seeing our baby. He/she (we think he) was so small but actually looked like a baby. Its little arms and legs were moving. Especially its legs! He dances like his daddy! Here is the picture from the ultra sound. It is kind of hard to make out, and looks a little like a teddy bear. But I can't help but stare at it every 10 minutes.