Mike, Megan and Luke!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

TJ's Shower

Julie and I pulled it off! TJ's shower was great. It was full of great food, some bellini's, a couple games, gifts, funny photoshoots, some reminiscing, great family and great friends. We even had some girl time after. It was a HOT day, but turned into one of those nice summer nights. The young girls (yes, I still call ourselves that) sat outside in Julie's back yard and had some wine after people had left. Of course I could not partake in the wine drinking, but I did have a couple O'Douls in spirit of the evening. It was lots of fun! Can't wait for the bachelorette party!
PS I had to put the pic up of the bridesmaids with TJ where no one is ready, it was hysterical